Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What is Love?

Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more. That's what you were thinking.

Anyway, I saw my mom yesterday and we were talking about life. Somehow love came up and we covered every type of love I can think of. In theme, the common thing that holds true for all of them is consistency.

Loving someone doesn't mean you won't hurt them and being loved doesn't mean you are insusceptible to pain. But to love someone is to be consistent to them. What does that mean?

I have no clue. Consistent in what sense? You tell me. I find it amusing and terribly funny when people proclaim they love so and so. Really, 90% of you have no clue what love is. The other 10% that do know love should be humble enough to respect the word.

I wish love were more simple...wish it wasn't so hard or difficult. Maybe it is. Maybe we just make it seem otherwise.

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