Monday, April 26, 2010

Fitting Two Pieces From Two Jigsaws

John has this big ass jigsaw puzzle at his place that is the most frustrating thing in the freaking world. It's so annoying I'm still bitter till this day that I couldn't find ONE matching piece. But somehow amidst all those sides and pieces, one was meant to fit the next one beside it.

But I wonder...I really wonder if jigsaw puzzles from two DIFFERENT sets will fit each other. Now THAT's interesting. This thought lead me to thinking about relationships and the major wtf factor of it. I look around and I see these couples who are with each other and I truly think they are in fact two pieces from two different sets. Karen, possibly the most nonsensical person I know is with Leo, who used to be the human incarnation of the Tasmanian Devil (Looney Toons) shredding all across his path. Justin, grim and quiet and as much physical interaction like the "pause" sign on your dvd player, alongside Jen who's all sunshine lollipops and has to latch onto something like a fishing hook in a tree. James who's possibly the most oblivious person (punching girls in the face, kicking balls in peoples faces, smacking people in the nuts by accident, turning friendly horse play into real fights) with one of the most considerate people, Laura (Laura if you ever read this, brownie points right?)

How the hell do these things work out? Just like that damn jigsaw at Johns, it truly "puzzles" me (damn, I'm good today). It makes me wonder...these opposites or odd fitting I going to get an odd fitting piece too? I'm deep down the most nerdy person ever. I mean, I have Street Fighter and anime figurings by my bed. I like stupid nerdy jokes and cool little gadgets and gizmos. Am I going to end up with the coolest girl ever? (I mean stereotypically the girls I can't stand.) Or am I going to end up with the dumbest girl ever? (Please God no. Please) Or maybe I'll (no, really God, please don't. PLEASE!) end up with some really dull girl with no color or flare...What about Reggie? Maybe he'll end up with a girl that's REALLY considerate and not stubborn; actually, that's the only way I see it working with Reggie haha. Maybe Roy's going to end up with a girl that is the least materialistic person in the world. Maybe he'll get with like, an Amish chick.

Whatever it is, I just want to remind you odd pieces this: it's odd enough that you're together because it seems beyond all reason and logic. That in itself is already special and you should cherish things even more. Don't forget to appreciate the fact that you've found a fitting piece even when it's not part of the same puzzle. When she's looking beautiful don't forget to tell her. Walk up, look her in the eye and tell her, give her a kiss on the cheek or the forehead. Don't forget that small things matter because life isn't made up of a few big events; but more so a constant stream of little ones. Girls, doing the same for your man might be kind of weird...unless you're Laura and your boyfriend is James. He likes that stuff.

Personally though, I wouldn't take relationship advice from me. It's like a bum telling a businessman how to  make money ;).


  1. so funnny :) that made me laugh out loud!!
    actually I had a similar conversation with Irene the other day. We were comparing ourselves to TV show characters and food. We're total opposites (it's like she's a hershey's chocolate bar and I'm raisins and peanuts; or she's Chandler and I'm Monica) but we wondered why we clicked so well.. and we concluded that it's probably because we're able to bring different sides out of each other and that's what makes it interesting and compelling.

    haha anyway..... we're not gay :) and I think Kevin Sun will find just the right fitting piece :) just look in front of you! that's usually where the missing piece is always 'hiding'.

  2. ..............

    first of all. major wtf factors. lol. this is why you are GG.

    second of all. the small little things = so important!

    third of all. EPIC song buddy.

  3. i love love LOVE this post!!!!!!!

  4. ps: if i could favourite this post i totally would.
