Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Scio me nihil scire or scio me nescire.

Stats, probability, all that junk seemed so confusing at the time. Looking back on it now, it's such a breeze. Relationships was so over complicated but is now so simplified. Human behavior that felt so random is so predictable. I NEVER get it right when I need to. With only time added to the equation, I start to understand everything better. I did nothing to increase my knowledge in any of those areas. For some reason, I'm just better at it. I want to know why so I don't lag behind anymore.

Throughout my life, it seems whatever I do, I'm always one step late in truly grasping it. During the time I'm doing something or am supposed to be doing it, I don't reach my potential. It's only AFTER I'm done with it that I truly understand the essence of what it is.

Whatever it is, I think that knowing something will cause us to do the right thing while believing in something will get us to truly do the thing right. At first, for all scenarios in my life, I KNOW what I'm supposed to do. But I don't really believe in it so I don't really care. Of course, this leads to poor results. It's only after I mature through time that I start to believe in concepts in those areas. Doing them now is much easier because believing brings things to life. Now it's needless for me to draw this parallelism to faith right? Thought so.

Anyway, what do I know? I'm just some runt rambling. Two years from now my views might even change again. But I think Socrates said it best: I know that I know nothing.


  1. this was a genuine post from you.
    instead of our usual convos:
    julie "balblablacomplaincomplainaboutlife"
    kevin "!@#%$%^^"
    julie "?!?!?!"
    kevin "i'm always right".

  2. HAHA julie.

    and deep kevsun. very deep!

  3. Such precise and proposed definity, contradicts the intended use of the word.

  4. Furthermore I prepose the statement is formed upon various smaller quotes from different minds. Although I'm interested what are your personal interpretations now.
    Being over 3 years since original post

    1. I'll update when I get the chance! Had no clue who'd read my blog from 3 years ago and comment haha. I'm interested in how I've changed too.
