Monday, May 3, 2010

72 oz of wtf: Part 2 - The Aftermath

After eating the steak I felt quite disgusting. By the time I got home I started to feel dizzy and sluggish. The toilet never looked so good, that sexy thang. I punch myself in the back of the throat and what looked like motor oil came out - because you know, I'm a fricken machine.

I was kind of sad to see that amount go out the wrong end as we had joked about how I'd end up having a 3.5 lbs atomic bomb drop later on during the day. Whatever, I think 2 lbs would still be amusing. Surprisingly, I went to the washroom 5 times in the next hour. It had substance thanks to the fiber pills. I didn't feel any better though. My stomach was still uneasy and I felt numb in the lips. I think I must have ingested three days worth of sodium because I was drinking a liter of water every half hour. My stomach was too full but I needed it. Painful tradeoff.

I couldn't sleep until three in the morning and constantly woke up to drink more water. Worst sleep of all time. The humidity didn't help...and meat sweat never stopped.

The next day I felt hung over. Hung over from food? I never thought that'd be possible and the guy from Supersize Me was totally boosting. The whole day felt like a hangover recovery day and all my lifts at the gym dropped by 20-40 lbs.

Anyway, now I'm fully recovered. Would I do this again? Probably not. Maybe a 106 oz later on in life? Quite a possibility. I urge you guys to try the 72oz steak challenge if you THINK you can finish it. You learn a lot about yourself and life in general. All theories become real and tangible when you're faced with a piece of meat the size of a premature baby.


  1. haha oh mannnn kevin..i don't know whether to congratulate you or just shake my head at you and smile :) haha.. you're crazy but i'm glad you're safe and not hospitalized after that!! wheres the video?!

  2. can i just say... i love the music!
