Top 5 Worst Traits of Women: (Now let me specify, men can have these traits too. But these traits are magnified to be WAY worse when it's on a person with a vajayjay.)
5) Moody ass syndrome: Women sometimes (by some I mean most) get moody. We get it. But for some reason your selfish ass thinks it's an excuse for you to treat men like shit. Smarten up before your ass gets dumped. And it will.
4) Making it a thing to fight for equality: You guys want to be as awesome as us - we get it. You arguing that you can lift as much as us or do physical things as well as us is stupid. Not only does it make you unequal in physical strength, it also convinces us that your mental dexterity is crippled. Just accept it. You'll never be equal to men. You're made from a rib of ours. I think we have like 9 more.
3) Being boring: Holy crap I'm yawning none stop. Those tears? They're not caused automatically by the yawn as you would believe. I just can't hold back the tears because you're so freaking boring. It's so dry being with you that I thought I'd moisturize the atmosphere with my tears of sorrow. Nope, it's so dry they just evaporate within seconds.
2) Being materialistic: You look like a shallow bitch, period (no real one is needed because I stated it)
1) Wanting to argue everything: Shut the f--- up. That's my job.
Top 5 Worst Traits of Men: (Now let me specify, women can have these traits too. But these traits are magnified to be WAY worse when it's on a person with a peenaynay.)
5) Being unmanly: Not grunting at the gym is a sin. Show the world how manly you are by exerting extraordinary force.
4) Being unmanly: Not farting. Deadlier the gas the manlier you are, obviously.
3) Being unmanly: Not eating more than the girl beside you at Mandarin - even if she weighs 350lbs: from the waste down. You better make the servers take away more plates from you than her. I know she sometimes eats her plate but you better make them clear more even if you have to Bulimia.
2) Being unmanly: Holding your gfs purse for extended periods of time: all the time. This is what you say after the first time. "Dang your purse was heavy. I hope you didn't place all of Costco's tampons in there honey." This is what you say after the second time - "Hey I think you should carry less stuff...I can't carry your stuff all the time because I'm growing a vajayjay." This is how you go about it the thi- NO. You say this immediately: "Bitch your purse is too damn heavy. Is you crazy? What do I look like? A damn walking coat rack?" Drop purse and continue to walk forward with a slight limp. Done.
1) Being unmanly: Not taking the above 4 suggestions and changing them in your life. If you read it then do it. You will be manlier than the steroid injected child of Sly Stallone and Ahnold if they could mate.
I warded off the interest of 16 girls after they read this blog update. =)
you missed one trait for the men's section...