Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Simple Man, Simple Plans

So I'm listening to the song "Gentleman Don't" by Gabe Bondoc...and in the lyrics I think one of the most powerful lines in this lovey dovey song is

"I'm just a simple man, simple plans. I got to work to take care of my fam, I'm sure you understand"

A lot of times we try to identify ourselves with the songs we hear. We fit our memories into the lyrics, we fit our dreams and hopes into the songs that others sing. Just a month ago, I would have thought those lyrics fit me perfectly...But truth of the matter is that I am NOT a simple man - nor do I have simple plans. I'm as complicated as they come and I'll stop kidding myself by finding simple girls. I need a girl who can truly understand and appreciate complexity; willing to inquire and unfold never ending layers to my ridiculous mind. I need her to understand that my plans are grander than both of us and that she'll need to be willing to live it out with me. All of us need to stop kidding ourselves trying to fit our lives into someone else's shoes. Identify yourself, embrace it and live it. That's how God made us to be. The best way we can honor Him is to bravely walk the path He laid out for us even if it seems like at any time we could fall off.

1 comment:

  1. "Identify yourself, embrace it and live it.".. i like that. :)
