Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Readings Mark 8-9

Wow some strong stuff. End whichever part of you that causes you to sin. I don't know about you, I'm definitely incapable of doing that. Should we take it literally? My whole being causes me to sin. What do I do about that?

Another cool note is when Jesus tells Peter to stfu because he is following the wishes of men and not God. Clearly Peter's concern was an ethically righteous one. But then again clearly God cares none for preset notions of societal values. He does his own thing and expects us to follow it. Sometimes we'd be expected to do things His way that make no sense to us. That's fine. But those who take words to the extreme do extreme things. How far do we take it? Bombings in the name of God? Crusades that raped and pillaged villages in the name of God. Mass suicides in the name of God. But alas it should be realized: those cruelties are done in the name of A god - not our God. It is done by men twisting God's word into words of men.

"“Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”

Anyyyyyyyyyyyyyway, this update's for the one I missed yesterday. Will update later today after work for today's reading.

1 comment:

  1. "Another cool note is when Jesus tells Peter to stfu because he is following the wishes of men and not God."

