Monday, November 30, 2009

Should God be in the Center of Our Lives?

How the preachers keep preaching and people who think they're right with God keep talking. Place God at the center of YOUR LIFE! Keep talking because I'm not listening. Go convince someone else.

We think in order to be with God we have to focus on Him alone and nothing else. Why? Because that's what we were taught. By pastors and people who seems righteous. If God is the center of my life then I am revolving around Him. My eyes set on him only my back turned against the world. This paints the wrong picture of how we're supposed to live. Now if someone bumps you and turn you 180 then you're back's against God and your eyes set on the world. What now? Don't even see Him anymore right? Then now you walk and He becomes a distant object behind your back and that's that.

Instead we should carefully examine how we should treat God. Is it really right to hog Him to ourselves in the center? Having alone time and making every second of the day be about you and Him? I don't think so. Before you get all :O:O OMG WTF BBQSAUCE on me, stfu and listen.

God shouldn't be the center. OOOOOOOOOOOOH Kevin's bad, what a bad Christian! Well big deal; aren't we all? God away from the center of our lives because it limits us and limits Him. He should be the bond that holds us with everything we do in life. Friendships. Relationships. Work. Decisions. Recreations. Anything. Everything. These bonds should be withheld and blessed by the strength of God so that good may come out of it and evil may not come of it. Those on the other end of the bonds will also see the work of God rather than you hording Him to yourself while centering God in your life. And if you do fall in one bond and God drops out of that, at least you have other Godly bonds to keep you straight. Diversifying risk just like a stock portfolio. So next time you think to yourself "I need to take my focus away from school, relationships, friendships, work, sports or whatever in order to focus on God" think again. Don't be so stubborn and open your eyes. That's just us wrapping up excuses in a righteous bow tie to make ourselves sound like we're aiming at the righteous path in our walk. Next time instead of focusing AWAY other things, why don't you trust in God a little more and place Him INTO the things you are doing? OHHHHH sounds Kevin's saying place God along into other activities. God's secondary now. OOOOOOOOOOOOH.

Keep God revolving around you so you may never take your eyes off of Him. If life hits you into a 180 you're still looking at Him. Keep God surrounding you so that others may see Him and receive Him, so that you may share all that is good. Let God surround you so that when you fall grace will soften the pain.

Whether you're convinced, sympathizing or loathing my view, I really don't care. What I do care for is that you think for yourself and not blindly listen to what others preach or say. When you put something in your mouth do you not question what it is? Then when others "feed" us, should we not question what it is?

1 comment:

  1. I wish you left out the 'OOOOOOHHHHHH!" possible reactions in this blog.

    Anyways I see what you mean. I don't agree. Our perspectives are different. We are still friends. Live yours and I'll live mine. See you in heaven anyway! :)
