Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bring it Back, WAYYY Back

"What do you mean wayyyyyyyy back? These songs are from 2001! Most of us was just in high school or something!"

2001 was 9 years ago. Remember in 2001 when we listened to songs in 92'? Way back play back friends, time flies. Let's make our time count yea?

These were the under appreciated songs in 01, drowned by some epic releases that year. Now that I'm older and I go back to songs of that year, I appreciate these songs more and more. Third song's jokes, see if you remember =).

Also, I will no longer do daily "Readings" on this blog. I'll only blog it if it provokes serious thought. Makes it more interesting for you guys right? Because I know you get all giddy when you see a blog update but then come here and read one line like "pwned" and then feel empty...Kind of like when I see a hot girl from the back then walk forward and realize SURPRISE SHES UGLY/12/MY COUSIN/A GUY. Only the first one happened in real life for the record...yea.


  1. HAHA! GG. oh em gee. i loved this post. yo man. wicked songs. wicked, wicked songs.

  2. sighhhhhhh..... kevin....just sigh.............


    this made my morning, thank you :)
    GOOD OL' LFO!!!!!!!!!! didn't this stand for "lyt funky ones" or something?!
