Monday, January 11, 2010

Why God isn't Third Culture

I bet people are wondering why I said the sermon was wack and God is not third culture. So this ones for you. Now third culture is one that is born out of 2 cultures; specifically, when someone cannot cope with having both at once, they squeeze out a new thing incorporating traits from both cultures. Essentially, it finds a bridge between the two worlds and allows understanding. Third culture's great, don't get me wrong, but God is NOT third culture. Third culture essentially means compromise between A and B. God does not compromise. He pwns. YOU compromise between your want to be Godly and your ungodly desires; hence, the struggle with the walk with Christ. Jesus came down and destroyed tradition. If He were third culture he would have blended Godly beliefs and traditional acts. But no, he rebukes those who follow tradition and not the Word.

It's sad already that someone would consider God third culture. That already says 1) our culture is not Godly. 2) God's belief is weak enough that it would blend with another. Saying God's third culture is another ploy to get people to Christianity...a scheme like prosperity gospel and make it sound nice and easy.

I understand Young's point in that third culture people can be more understanding because they can see both sides of the argument. Why yes, God is understanding. Understanding is His nature, he doesn't need to create a third culture to articulate that. That IS His culture.

We don't need to be third culture. That's just a label. We don't need labels either. We just need to be more understanding like those who are in third cultures. In fact, we should be like that in first cultures too. Why they're stubborn and stand up for things they believe in. We tend to cower when at times when we need to defend Jesus in a group don't we? We should probably be imitating the second culture too. The only reason they're second culture is because they boldly left their home. Yes, we should be bold in doing His will here on earth as it is in heaven too. OMG FOURTH CULTURE CREATED. No. We don't need to be in any culture created by man. But we do need to be understanding, fearless, and stand up for what we believe in.

God does not bend nor waver on his beliefs. God's culture is not numbered one, two, or three. God's culture is his to show. God's culture is ours to live.


  1. I agree with most of your points, but correct me if I'm wrong, I think Young said that Jesus acted in third culture. You can be a know-it-all and say that Jesus is God and ultimately kill what I'm about to say or you can even say that Young clearly said that God was third culture, but I like to believe that Jesus' work that was done was largely in the aspect of third culture (by definition).

    God doesn't act in third culture, but Jesus sure did. He acted in all realms of life IMO.

  2. mmm I also agree with most of your points too.
    But at the same time I understand what Young was getting at too, I'm not sure if its sinking in as much as what his other sermons were about though.

    btw i love this.
    "God does not compromise. He pwns." HAHAHA
