Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mystery of the Anon pt 5

Dear Anon,

You intrigue me to no ends and I could not take my mind off of you for the past 2 days and night. I haven't been able to work properly because of you. Please tell me, what facts do I have wrong? Please don't be a guy as well...being intrigued by one of the same sex makes me feel like I belong near James' store.

P.S. Shall I label you as my secret admirer?


  1. DUDE who is anon!? did you get a packet of chocolate in the mail that was signed off as anon? i want an anon!!

  2. tee hee.
    shall i send you chocolates signed anon
    but i didn't expect you do get so worked up about it. :P but now it's like a game :) so fun
    okay i'll give you another hint. you should review your evidence. maybe i said something that sounded like a hint but really it wasn't. maybe you misunderstood something else i said.

    i never lied to you.
