But I'll say this: we're called out to do the Lord's will, our calling. Except the problem is how will we know what our calling is? I don't think there's really any way of knowing for sure. Many people fool themselves and many people fool others regarding their calling. But what's a man supposed to do? At the end of the day, maybe it's just up to use to pick a righteous cause and do it in good faith that the Lord has called us to do so. But if it's predestined, then I guess whatever we end up choosing in good faith IS our calling ;).
ON A SIDE NOTE: waking up Roy on Sundays makes me laugh so much. All he does is grunt incoherently no matter what I say to him.
"Hey Roy, it's 12:50, when can you pick me up?"
"Can you understand me? Are you awake?"
"So when can you pick me up?"
"K, call me when you're coming then"
"Don't fall asleep again!"
"Can you understand me? Are you awake?"
"So when can you pick me up?"
"K, call me when you're coming then"
"Don't fall asleep again!"
If you string together all he's saying it sounds like the beginning of a rap song. TURN MY HEADPHONES UP
HAHAHAHA omg i totally know what you're talking about with roy, its absolutely incoherent! yay kev! i found a study partner!
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ReplyDelete(Dangit I pressed "post comment" before finishing what I wanted to say)
ReplyDelete"What's uhn haha...that's not even a recognizable sound!"
predestination does not preclude human responsibility. though God is sovereign and predestines all things, we are still responsible for all our actions (and inactions).
ReplyDeletethough the two may be humanly irreconcilable, the fact is that they are both biblical truths, so we must live by them.
some things God reveals to us fully. other things, we will never know and understand fully until we are in heaven.
"For now I see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known"
- 1 Corinthians 13:12