Saturday, December 5, 2009

Schindler's List

Watching now. Will cry. Will write thoughts later. Hahahaha pwned.


  1. *fist pump*
    and ya...i know.
    but let james know that I think his writing may be better, but your ideas pwn all.

  2. Never watched that movie but considering that you cried, I think I may have to watch it!

    So I want to justify why I never comment on your blog. You update very very often so each time you update, I say to myself "I will read all his posts tomorrow." Eventually it all accumulates so yeah. I still need to dedicate a day to read all your updates haha. Sorry friend! You shall see 5000 comments from me within the next couple of days.

  3. one of the greatest movies made of all time. i don't think it gets the appropriate nod from people like Shawshank does.
